Industrial Reverse Osmosis Systems
Industrial RO Systems
Industrial Reverse Osmosis Systems are in high demand for many industries using water treatment equipment. At EAI Water, we customize systems to fit just about any water specification. EAI Water is a one stop shop for all your industrial reverse osmosis system maintenance needs, from membrane care to our custom formulated anti-scalant line, you’ll find all of your solutions easily accessible, with one contact source.
Many industrial and agricultural production sites can benefit from some type of reverse osmosis water filtration system, and our clients include a wide range of applications, such as universities, convention centers, microelectronics, breweries, beverage production, avocado groves, greenhouses, animal farms, etc. Systems are containerized or skid mounted and range in size from 15,000 gallons per day to a million gallons per day.
With over 30 years of field experience, and a staff that includes chemists and engineers EAI custom designs each water filtration system to address the source water and desired purity specifications. We start with a feed water analysis and look at each constituent analyte to run accurate projections and formulate a prediction.
Service Plans for Industrial Reverse Osmosis Equipment
We understand there is no good time for water filtration down time and EAI’s preventative maintenance plans ensure purified water is always available to meet your demands. Additional products and services include remote monitoring, membrane autopsy, membrane cleaning service and membrane cleaning skids.

Our High Quality RO Systems Include:
- Capacities ranging from 15,000 to 1 million gallons per day output
- Low energy/high rejecting RO membranes
- High recovery rates
- Energy-efficient stainless steel booster pump
- Variable Frequency Drive option
- Analog and digital instrumentation
- Microprocessor controller with digital readout
- Option to upgrade to fully integrated smart PLC controller with remote access capability
- Robust components from a national supply chain
- Rigid skid frame with industrial powder coat
- Compact design (option to customize footprint)
- Prewired and pre-plumbed
- Factory tested prior to shipment
Reverse Osmosis Membrane Supplier
Our Industrial reverse osmosis systems are built using the highest quality reverse osmosis membranes available, for the longest life possible. We use and supply Toray Membranes for reverse osmosis (RO), nanofiltration (NF), ultrafiltration (UF), microfiltration systems.
Pretreatment Reverse Osmosis Systems
Pretreatment of feedwater is critical to maintaining the health of a reverse osmosis or nano-filtration system. Even moderate concentrations of particulate matter can significantly foul membranes shortening their life, and resulting in added costs and downtime.
Reverse Osmosis Pretreatment Methods
Multimedia is one of the most common pretreatment methods used to treat a reverse osmosis system’s source water. Multimedia, dual media and mono-media sand filters all belong to a general class of granular media filters. Granular media filters typically contain considerable depths of coarse granular filtration media. Multimedia filters typically contain three layers of granular media which are comprised of garnet, sand and anthracite. Media filtration works by combining three primary transport mechanisms which are diffusion, sedimentation and interception.
Cartridge and Bag Filters are filters that effectively remove small colloidal particles from water prior to reaching a reverse osmosis system. These filters are generally sorted by particle removal size in microns. Cartridge filters and bag filters are implemented just prior to a reverse osmosis system and should not be relied on as a primary water preatreatment. Cartridge filters and bag filters used as a primary pretreatment method tend to clog very quickly due to their small pore sizes and would need to be replaced often, significantly increasing operational costs. In many instances, these filters act as a last resort in case of failure of upstream pretreatment equipment.
Activated carbon filters are widely used in water pretreatment. Filtering with granular activated carbon (GAC) is a proven method to remove different impurities from water. GAC is particularly effective in color removal and organic content removal. EAI Water’s Activated Carbon Filters can be used to remove chemicals that give objectionable odors or tastes to water such as hydrogen sulfide or chlorine.
EAI Water’s GAC Systems do not remove chemicals such as iron and nitrate because they are not attracted to the carbon. They need to be removed by other types of filtration. In these cases, Reverse Osmosis (RO) or green sand may be needed.
Water softening may be used to remove hardness ions such as calcium and magnesium from a feed water. Softeners are also capable of removing soluble iron and manganese from water, although this is not their primary purpose. Water softening is sometimes used as pretreatment to a reverse osmosis system to prevent hardness-based scaling.
However, antiscalants are a popular alternative to deploying water softeners prior to a reverse osmosis system, due to the high costs of salts needed for softening and lack of brine disposal issues with antiscalants.
As a one stop shop, EAI’s water treatment experts will engineer a pretreatment solution based on the client’s feedwater quality for long life protection of the RO booster pump and membranes. Pretreatment options include water softening, ultrafiltration, multimedia filtration, carbon filtration, dechlorination and antiscalant chemical dosing.
Reverse Osmosis Post Treatment
EAI Water offers post-treatment options to further condition the RO permeate including UV disinfection and pH adjustment. Our specialists have experience capturing the brine reject (concentrate) from RO systems and recycling it for onsite use in applications such as cooling towers.

Service for Industrial Reverse Osmosis Systems
Preventative maintenance for your RO membranes saves money, and our program includes a line of specially formulated reverse osmosis antiscalants, dechlorination agents and membrane cleaning solutions to extend the life of RO membranes. Clients often integrate one of EAI Water’s clean-in-place (CIP) skids with their RO system as part of their maintenance plan.